Lifestyle & Wedding Photographers
Guess what?! We expanded our team in 2021. Check our our new team members.
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." –Unknown
Celeste, (Mom)ager and Storyteller
Celeste is my Mom and our Primary Second Photographer. She is based in Philadelphia and does our Northeast shoots. She's a Nikon girl, loves cooking and can literally make anything on her cricket!!! Like anything.
Charles, Chief Everything Officer
Charles is my Husband and our person for everything not related to actually taking photos. He's our money guy, marketing guru, social media connect, driver & so much more. He is the business man, literally!
We employ a handful of interns and beginner photographers from our local DMV schools. We are always looking to build out their portfolio.
***If you are interested in being a "stand in" or model let us know.